Archives for January 2016

What are Loan Discount Points and Why Do Lenders Charge Them?

The mortgage industry, like any other industry, has its own unique terminology that no dictionary or thesaurus can help you with. Among those unique terms are the words “Loan Discount Points,” and not understanding what they are and the role they play in a purchase or refinance transaction can have a significant impact Read More >

A Simple Formula For Getting Out of Debt

Credit card debt represents the single biggest threat to the financial health of countless millions of Americans. According to the Federal Reserve, after peaking at $1.021 Trillion in April 2008, the global financial crisis motivated Americans to trim their credit card debt to $832.4 Billion by April 2011. Since then, Read More >

The Tax Deductibility of Mortgage Insurance Receives Another Stay of Execution

On December 18, 2015, as part of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015, the President signed legislation that retroactively renews the tax deductibility of mortgage insurance (MI) premiums for qualified borrowers through 2016. The deductibility is effective for purchase and refinance Read More >