For the most part, Americans live in a fast food, shake and bake, society, which is to say that we have come to expect and demand instant gratification for anything we want in life. That’s typically how people accumulate credit card debt; instant gratification coupled with not having an emergency reserve. Instant Read More >
Should You Pay Loan Discount Points or Not?
When an aspiring homeowner applies for a mortgage to finance the purchase of a home of their own they are confronted with a great many decisions. Decisions they may not be equipped to answer without professional guidance. One of those decisions is whether or not to pay loan discount points to secure a lower interest Read More >
What are Loan Discount Points and Why Do Lenders Charge Them?
The mortgage industry, like any other industry, has its own unique terminology that no dictionary or thesaurus can help you with. Among those unique terms are the words “Loan Discount Points,” and not understanding what they are and the role they play in a purchase or refinance transaction can have a significant impact Read More >
A Simple Formula For Getting Out of Debt
Credit card debt represents the single biggest threat to the financial health of countless millions of Americans. According to the Federal Reserve, after peaking at $1.021 Trillion in April 2008, the global financial crisis motivated Americans to trim their credit card debt to $832.4 Billion by April 2011. Since then, Read More >
Is Interest Rate the Most Important Factor When Paying Off Debt?
I deal with this issue frequently as I help my clients get out of debt and the short answer is NO! That is not to say that interest rate is not an important consideration. It just means that there may be other considerations that may have a greater impact on the speed and efficiency with which you get out of Read More >
6 Outside the Box Methods to Get Out of Debt
Last week I wrote a post about ways a homeowner can use the equity in their home to consolidate and transfer their credit card debt to a more efficient method of financing. But not everybody owns a house and not everybody that owns a house has enough equity to allow them to utilize that strategy. This week I want to Read More >