You might think the answer to that question depends on how much time you have before you retire, and in a way, you’d be right. Conventional wisdom states that the younger one begins saving for retirement, the more time they have to recover from a loss or multiple losses. However, the truth is you can never recover what Read More >
Money Isn’t Math and Math Isn’t Money – Average vs Actual Rate of Return
Today I want to share another example of how money isn’t math and math isn’t money by demonstrating the concepts of average rate of return on an investment and the actual rate of return. Assume you have $100,000 and you have two investment options to choose from and both offered an average rate of return of 5.03%. Read More >
Money Isn’t Math and Math Isn’t Money – Average Rate of Return
The financial media and traditional financial advisors have us trained to make decisions based on numbers on a piece of paper. However, in my experience, money isn’t math and math isn’t money. Placing too much importance on numbers and allowing them to dictate our financial decisions is very similar to confusing the Read More >