The Quickest and Most Efficient Way to Get Rid of Credit Card Debt

Getting rid of outstanding credit card debt is generally a top priority for most people that have credit card debt, but they either don’t know how to go about doing that, they don’t have the extra money necessary to do it, or both. There’s good news for those that own a home. The quickest and most efficient method Read More >

The Most Important Step in Gaining Control of Your Personal Finances

The cornerstone of any personal financial profile should be establishing and keeping an emergency reserve. You may have heard it referred to as a cash cushion or a rainy day fund. I cannot stress enough the importance of this one simple concept. If you want the upper hand with regard to your personal finances, having a Read More >

Credit Is Debt In The Absence Of Collateral!

It’s virtually impossible to avoid debt in today’s society and Americans have shown that they have no problem taking on debt if it will enable them to have the things they want now instead of at some future date. According to, as of August 2014, Americans have approximately $880 billion in Read More >